Yogi Paramahansa !

Dated: 16th Jan 2021 A friend of mine recommended the Book-“Autobiography of a Yogi” by Sri Paramahansa Yogananda. There are seldom such profound books on self realization and the power a human being is capable of. As the name suggests, this book is the narration of the life journey of its Author- “Paramahansa Yogananda”. The first thing I noticed is the picture of its author on the cover page. There is something really divine and grace in his eyes, as if that he is from another dimension altogether and has been brought to our human world to serve a definite purpose. From being ridiculed by his family members and society, this book wonderfully takes us down to his journey of self realization and the message he delivered to our human race. The sages, the People he met during his life, the ashrams he went to and the complete faith in the divine god within himself he had, this book is an eye opener on the mystical way our human mind works and its capabilities. We all are essen...